Of Blue and Red
Of blue and red oh of ancient
The splash of colors against the stripes
The dense tightness of a star fist
Grabbing onto the blue night sky
Hiding both and holding court
Banished to its own natural square
Backed into a corner in the midst
Of the marching lines of red and white
Every other flat row against each other
Like soldiers setting off to battle
I pledge allegiance we say hand over
Heart and try to recall the counting numbers
Of those who returned and those who were
Lost— We stamp our feet on the solid ground
And announce this is our flag strong and
True the dense colors intertwined with
God and freedom and somewhere
Inside the rectangle is our own quiet
Body of liberty where we are counting
On our hands and imagining the multiplication tables
Spelling out America with the colored chalk
When called to the front of the room.
Millicent Borges Accardi, a Portuguese-American writer, is the author of four poetry collections, including Only More So (Salmon Poetry, Ireland), and the recent Quarantine Highway (FlowerSong Press). Among her awards are fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Fulbright, CantoMundo, Creative Capacity, the California Arts Council, Foundation for Contemporary Arts (Covid grant), Yaddo, and the Barbara Deming Foundation.