Other People's Parents

“...are often a delight.” -Gabrielle Zevin


J’s mother makes me a sandwich and cuts off the crusts and leaves out the cheese because she knows I can’t have dairy. She helps me do my taxes and says eight times that teaching is a noble profession and every compliment—my leggings, my hairstyle, my sensible second job—lands like an arrow in the ten ring. She remembers the names of both my ex and current boyfriends and asks after their mothers. She hugs me when I leave and sends me a small tchotchke for my birthday, a tiny glass pumpkin that glows on the windowsill, because she remembers I like Cinderella’s coach better before it transforms.


Before J goes home she stands at the sink in our apartment, meticulously removing every speck of nail polish. When she leaves, her cuticles are a little red, a little raw, ten less targets.

Francis has very dark short hair and pale skin. She wears a black shirt and stands against a gray wooden background.

Frances Klein (she/her) is an Alaskan poet and teacher. She is the 2022 winner of the Robert Golden Poetry Prize. Klein is the author of several poetry chapbooks, including “(Text) Messages from The Angel Gabriel” (Gnashing Teeth Press, 2024). Her full length collection Another Life is forthcoming in 2025. Klein’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The Harvard Advocate, The Atticus Review, HAD, and others.