My body in love with my body
My body in love with my body honeys my body to sleep;
melatonin-soaked, heart slowing to a molasses drip.
My body in love with my body, says to my body, “get up,”
sways my body to bachata, then reggae, splits the difference,
mesmerizes in the quiet hiss of wheels kissing asphalt,
sips sunlight like tonic, turns it into serotonin
and pumps it through my body’s veins. My body
in love with my body, tightropes all five grocery bags
up the stairs in a single trip, muscle fiber
by delicate muscle fiber, sugars my body brimming
with peaches and plantains and too many sour straws.
Regrets it. My body in love with my body mistakes an almond
for the enemy, turns that gut feeling into histamine,
threatens to flood my body shut. My body in love with my body
forgives my body. Sutures up the cat’s scratches.
Eats bacteria alive and reaps my body the rewards.
My body in love with my body is a treatise
embedded in thirty trillion cells, is a rogue division
with the best intentions, is an army of lung and limb
and all the things it takes to keep a body going.
Zoe Antoine-Paul was born on the island of Saint Lucia, but now calls Brooklyn home. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in F(r)iction Magazine, Scapegoat Review, Funicular Magazine, New Note Poetry, Red Ogre Review, West Trade Review, and other publications. Zoe writes about the city, the beauty in the mundane and macabre, and everyday internal turmoil. She can be found on Instagram @space.junkie13.